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Pamela Anderson in Saree

Pamela Anderson in Saree
Pamela Anderson in Saree


First, start off with the Google research tool or whatever tool you like using my personal favorite is Market Sam or Micro Niche Finder (those are 2 of my favorites). Some people like to look at amazon to see whats been selling well it’s great for keyword ideas. You can think about things that you have around the house or something that people might be interested in just sit back and brain storm.

Put the keyword in the research tool and see what she spits out.

Now I can make sites pretty quickly I want to say can make 10 sites in 1 hour (that’s how experienced I am with this proven method):


My keywords must have 2000+ searches in a month or I toss them,Sometimes I will go with keywords that have 1500 searches just depends on how I feel.

Lets pretend our keyword research tool gave us 30 keywords all in the 3k-5k range.


I dump these keywords into Market Samurai to analyze the competition if you don’t have this software Google keyword tool has a competition analyzer that you can use.

The only thing I care about is the allintitle and allinurl that’s what’s most important to me.

I want the allinurl to be less than 1000 and the allintitle to be less than 10,000.


If the keyword is under my required amount it must have competing advertisers. The more the better I don’t mind spending more time on a site if its going to be worth it… So just had to get that in there back on with the show.

Next I take a look to see the SEO competition and again I use market sam for this. I wanna see if the comp is too great most of the time it isn’t but there are times when it is so just check to be on the safe side.

If you see sites like shopping and amazon on the 1st page for your keyword don’t worry about it they can be beat easy.

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