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Using Yahoo Answers to generate traffic

Another great way to generate a traffic surge is to use this free service from Yahoo. This involves people asking questions about various fields and then experts in those fields answering them. Fairly simple isn't it? But it presents a unique opportunity to get free traffic to your website/blog.

The process is very straight-forward. You need to have a yahoo account and then you choose a category of your choice where you think you are an expert or at least for which you can answer questions from newbies or other people looking for answers. There are many categories to choose from and you will definitely find a category that suits you.

After this you should wait to get questions from the other users of the service and prepare to give solutions to their problems. While answering give logical answers to the queries and try and satisfy the person. The thing you need to do here is to add a link to your website/blog in this answer and lo behold you have a free link to your site from Yahoo Answers. Now the trick here is to be the early bird and answer a question before other experts answer it. This gives you more exposure and increases your reputation.

If your answer is fairly good other readers will be inclined to click on your link to know more about you and your work. This will further give a booster dose of free incoming traffic.

So go ahead and start answering questions - you never know that helping somebody might actually give you some real Karma points...You might earn something also.

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Reduce your Bouce Rate and earn Millions

I hope you all have installed Google Analytics in your blog. If not then quickly do so. The information and means to do it are available here. If you do not already know then you should know that Google Analytics is a tool that provides vital statistics about your website like how many people are visiting it and what time do they spend there etc. As you see above the Google Analytics gives information such as Visits, Page Views, Bounce Rates, Average time spent on the website, new visitors etc.

The most important parameter given above is the Bounce Rate. This is the percentage of people who come to the website and go back without going to any other page on the website. The higher this number the greater number of customers you are losing everyday. The endeavor on the webmaster's part should be to reduce this to bare minimum. In fact the ideal bounce rate should be 0. Any number more than zero is totally unacceptable.

To reduce the bounce rate the following steps must be taken immediately.

  1. Targeted keywords: If your website is lacking targeted keywords, then the visitors will not find it relevant to their search results and will therefore move out. The website should not waver from the niche topic. Targeted audience is hard to get if the website covers a wide variety of topics. Your keywords should be there in titles, articles, and all other parts of your website.
  2. Get the right look: Make your website look like it should be. If your recipe site looks like an auto review site then the potential audience of chefs will desert it like mice in a drowning ship. The look and feel of the site is therefore, very important. The color scheme and the images used should match the theme of the site.
  3. Images in articles: Always insert images in the articles. Bland articles are not binding enough to catch hold of the visitors. Always insert relevant images, illustrations, diagrams in the articles to get the desired visitors to spend more time at your website.
I hope you will benefit from this article of mine and get a good traffic to your website/blog.

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